À¶ÄñÊÓƵhas a range of publications and other material for members and general readers. These include:
Australian Educational Researcher: an international peer reviewed journal, published five times a year and edited by À¶ÄñÊÓƵand distributed online through Springer. This is a Thomson (ISI) indexed journal that is freely available to À¶ÄñÊÓƵmembers. |
Local/Global Issues in Education: this is a book series established in 2015, with Routledge. These books are available from our web shop at a reduced rate for members. |
EduResearch Matters: this is the À¶ÄñÊÓƵblog, published weekly and freely available online. This blog provides research-informed content about education issues. |
Research archive of conference papers: this includes a repository of À¶ÄñÊÓƵconference papers (1978-present). |
Corporate documents related to Governance and financial records: |
ERIC Metrics Report for AARE: This report shows the number of views of the ERIC records for À¶ÄñÊÓƵcontent and the number of PDF downloads (where if full text is permitted to display in ERIC). |
Become a Member
À¶ÄñÊÓƵmembers are eligible to receive member benefits on many of our publications including: free access to our journal; reduced rates for book series purchases; access to research archives and other publications; as well as member rates for conference registration and other events.